Crane Manufacturing & Special Fabrication & Machine Building Co.

Company History

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1989 :: Started as a proprietary concern i as sheet metal parts manufacturing co. during this time company catered to Automobile while goods industries, textile industries supplying them various sheet metal parts to very high accuracy and high volumes.

1994 :: Company became a Pvt.Ltd. Co. with vision to merge all proprietary company together and to build worldwide known brand.
During these years company got in to manufacturing of wind wills with the help of technology provided by M/s. BONUS of Denmark.
Company became a known source for sheet metal parts and tools and dies.

2004 :: Company decided venture out of India and decided to start manufacturing facility at Dubai UAE. It was initially set up as a fabrication unit Later on we started manufacturing of cranes.

2008 :: During this time we also manufactured girder for many reputed crane manufacturers and we are now set up a new facility at Sharjah as expansion of facility. Silverline currently has area of 4000 with 4 goliath crane to cover manufacturing area.

2013 :: We got associated with EMH Cranes renowned Crane manufacturer of USA. We are currently supplying cranes to entire Middle East from our facility at Sharjah.